Awareness campaign program on the promotion of safe and resilient environment and fight against climate change in urban and rural areas

The implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) does not only involve the active engagement of governments, it is also our duty as members of civil society, like the rest of other actors (companies, communities, researchers …). We must all cooperate in diversity for more general purposes to:

  • Eradicate poverty,
  • Protect the planet and
  • Ensure prosperity for all; hence an inclusive work with all actors.

To strengthen actions for resilient and sustainable urban and rural communities, there must be a new multi-stakeholder approach with strong and common actions. To this end, we have launched on November 11th 2019 (Monday) an awareness campaign program on the first topic aiming to the promotion of safe and resilient environment and fight against climate change in urban and rural areas. The second goal will be the initiation of an inclusive plan and concrete and consolidated actions on the provinces sustainability (Cities and Territories). In our policies; we are more excited to work for the DRC remote areas, to make sure everyone find livable places and economic opportunities, wherever we are.

Therefore, rural areas are attracting our attention, giving on the one hand their strong contribution to urban environments development and a high strategy of mastering the gradual population explosion in urban areas by their geostrategic position of new cities creation on the other hand. Considering the difficulties facing rural territories regarding to the high possibilities of access to basic socio-public services (water and energy, safe and healthy environment, decent housing, business development infrastructures and quality education); we must support the expansion and planning policies of these communities, with a view to equitable and sustainable national and regional development.

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